
Toughest Times for Tourism and Hospitality – United We Stand!

We as Australians are facing probably our toughest time ever – society as we know it has completely been shaken to its core.


We cannot sugar-coat this – we are facing the toughest times for our tourism and hospitality industries – not only the loss of jobs, but businesses shutting down and people suffering terribly. 


Talking with my media friends and colleagues – they are all suffering too – but many are still writing away and need stories to fill the online space.  Many of my media friends in the Australian Society of Travel Writers have reached out to me – wanting copy on domestic tourism and hospitality – as they will not be travelling overseas for months. So, please, if you have a good news story or story of hope- reach out to me and I can share that with them.


The media is still operating 24/7 and trust me, they need a balance of positive news stories to combat all of the negativity in the media space. Just like the Novotel Melbourne South Wharf did this week – they lit up the building with a heart symbol – and this got amazing media traction and exposure!


Also, do not neglect your Content Marketing Strategy -society more than ever is now turning to online sites and social media platforms in this time of social distancing – so you need to keep getting out your positive, and consistent quality content and messages …so that when we come through Covid-19 – your business and brand is top of mind with the consumer market.


Because, when we rebuild and when we come out the other end of this Covid-19 issue – we know that Australians with their love of travel will want to hit the roads and get out and experience all this fine country has to offer – our wineries, resorts and hotels, restaurants and tourism attractions.


Remember, we are in this together and we will come back stronger and better than ever!

In my next weekly blog – I will be taking you through how you can try and prepare your business or brand for an issue such as Covid-19 – with a carefully constructed and strategic Crisis Communications Plan – which we are now creating for our key clients. Having worked for Ansett Airlines throughout both the Pilots Dispute and Flight Attendants Strikes – I have worked on curating plans for my client base that have helped them ride through the inevitable storms and minimise risk to their business and brand.


Be kind, reach out to your colleagues and keep connecting to your community – because in the words of that great 70s band – the Brotherhood of Man… “United We Stand, Divide We Fall”


Leanne Tyrrell

Managing Director

Tyrrell Publicity & Promotions

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